What are you eating today? What are you storing?

Are you sure you are abiding by the word of wisdom? Are you sure you just put "food" in your kids' mouth, or are you just perpetuating your own addictions? What do you plan on nourishing your family with in your storage? Quality is the easiest way once realized.
We have to take the bull by it's horns and take charge of the changes that are needed!

neat post which included a quote from a book:
In a way, it’s unfair to categorize sweets and white flour products as foods. They’re really more like drugs. That’s why they have such mood-altering power. The corn, sugarcane, and sugar beets that sugar is extracted from, and the grains that flour is extracted from, contain fiber, vitamins and minerals,. But after the extraction process, most of those beneficial nutrients are gone. What’s left is a potent crystallized concentrate, not unlike other plant concentrates we’re familiar with, like cocaine or opium, also extracted from lovely plants full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.. These two refined white crabs can force a release of your brain’s natural feel good neurotransmitters, serotonin and endorphins. This brain chemistry disruption and depletion leads to the need for another cookie for another brief mood boost….and then another….and another.

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