Simple Rocket Stove How-To

Here is a video showing how to Quickly Assemble a Rocket Stove out of 21 bricks. I imagine now the the straightforward concepts have been presented, any size or location can be tried out. (I'd like to test it out on a larger scale for large pots.) This is so quick it could be put together for a sudden need or just to use as a contained firepit.

Remember, the type of brick is somewhat important, most obviously = it needs to be able to 1) handle high heat and flame and 2) be able to insulate to some level.
I found these at Home Depot that I am going to try out! They are called Fire Bricks. The employee said this is what customers use when they are building a fire pit type application....
I'm hoping that this also would imply that heating them won't smoke anything too toxic into my food and airways.

However, perhaps someone has some experience with a different brick and could suggest a different one? yes?

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