Planting Fruit Trees

There is an unseen world that living things communicate and interact and are a part of... This pdf has a method of planting trees that boosts their growth because that world was not ignored.
The magnetic north has it's draw as well as each element in it's form.  Whatever place we have as caretakers in this world, we can and will figure out follow the desire and in the action of our duties. 

Fruit Trees on Steroids pdf (includes images comparing side by side the method vs no method.)

"Fresh fruit is a wonderful gift from our
Creator meant to be savored for its
excellent flavor. While vegetables and
other foods have their place, nothing
else can take fresh fruits’ position as
“cream of the crop.”
Fruit quality can be measured from
many perspectives including, proper
sizing, flavor, brix reading, market
value, total solids, acid to brix ratio,
storage characteristics, and nutrient
...Fruit above mediocre. "
quoted from brochure for event of the same name

Amazing Science: Part 1: quickly put together

It will take a bit to get a list of these going, so to get started quicker, here is a quick list and a Re-post :)


Nourishment Homegrown by Beddoe

Soil Testing

What would be a more fitting battlefield tactic from the PTB to not "see" our Maker if we were convinced or distracted enough to never see the natural world in all it's beauty, complexity, order, magnificence, intelligence, design and our equally perfect integration in it ...
instead we could make it part of our interests and studies and using it for our synergistic benefit. ... So just as the shepherds and others of ancient time, LOOK UP!!

 great place to start without leaving home "wink " Thunderbolts Project
 full length documentary videos.

"Practical activity nowadays is an empty routine devoid of spirit; but anything that truly does come from the spirit is also always preeminently practical."
-- Rudolph Steiner, Spiritual Foundations for the Renewal of Agriculture, p. 12.

Fall 2012 Biodynamics Journal: Is Agriculture Sacred?

Here is a tidbit regarding the moon from an RBTI Brix forum I follow:
"It took a while to dig it out, but I did find these words by Reams in his unpublished autobiography that may be of use to you.
I began analyzing the same piece of ground that had nothing growing on it, every day for 90 days. I was amazed at what happened. During the full moon, the temperature of that soil was the hottest. And when the soil was the hottest, the nitrogen was the highest. On new moon, the air was the hottest, but the soil was the coolest, just opposite. Then I realized that if plants came into production whenever the nights were moonlight, then all the blossoms would shed because the nitrogen was too high. They had to be planted so they would come into production at blossom stage when the nights were dark because the nitrogen content in the soil was the lowest at that time and then the blossoms would stay on the plants.
I can add that Jon Frank reported that he found Reams' suggestion of a few hundred pounds per acre ammonium sulfate truly has a remarkable ability to keep soil temperatures constant right through the hottest part of the year. As with many other things, moon phases probably matter more where the major elements are not properly addressed.

plants like humans are constantly on a reproduction growth cycle, knowing when to use those reproduction growth fertilizers in sync with the moon can only be of benefit. t."


I will be updating this blog with additional posts as well as the portion I submit to share on IWILLPREPARE.COM
Also, these posts will have links added to aid in your further research.

Garden and Nutrition Information

Sacred Foods and Language of the Universe ;)

Nourishment Homegrown by Beddoe
A wealth of info introducing to the backyard gardener how to grow REAL nutritious food
- includes Folar feeding Recipes and Brix reading from on a Refractometer

Mineral supplements from Dailymfg based on Reams's RBTI: Lime Water and MinCol (Min66...)

by Callahan - Ancient people's agriculture insights...  summary of his works =  another witness and his records measurable data of the electrical properties and applications with growth from an enty

My Herbal training is coming mostly from Dr Christopher, but herbals, food as medicine, has a long tradition since ancient times as also mentioned in the Bible and BofM.
Examples: Culpeper's is an example of a publication from Europe,
Cayenne (chili pepper)
is an American food that is integrated world wide for good reason :)
Lower Bowel Formula and ImmuCalm are my two
of my top choices.
Green Pasture Skate Liver Oil - Awesome Nutrition from thousands of year traditions among Vikings
- see
and Nourishing Traditions by Fallon (based -before current WAPF culture adjustments- on Dr Weston A Price's Book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration -

ALSO:  (not pictured)
I had mentioned to a few of you the Thunderbolt Project and their Electric Universe Videos
as well as a starting point into how our entire Natural World has the same underlying language ... and TJED's recommended book - A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe,...

Thorvin Kelp for Gardening and Animal Supplementing
(purchased from Azure Standard) -
Dashi Kombu for seaweed in daily eating with out the sea taste ;)

Nutrition and Gardening, introduction into Electric Universe

A few Cleaning and personal needs Suggestions

UnScented, Low Water, High Efficiency Cleaning:
Charlie's soap (any good "cloth diaper" detergent is no residue, high efficiency),
Biokleen (just one brand of kitchen detergents, also works as efficient Shampoo). 
Both detergents works well in the bathroom and garage. 
Deodorants and soaps should be low water, clean rinsing, and not smell the day(s) after, esp if cleaning is not available every day....

a few Low water, NO trash Personal Hygiene Products
What happens when the trash pickup is interrupted?
Can you imagine the piles of baby diapers and female menstruation garbage? And then running out?
(If some of us don't have our glasses/contacts then we won't have to see it!)
 ....perhaps just imagine smelling the Middle Ages of Europe's streets...

My personal daily preference diapers:
(upper) Rumparooz and (lower) Thirsties
Both have additional shaping around the legs ("gussets" = never have another blowout again)
These Cover any absorbent inner - I use anything from "fitted" with snaps To a simple washcloth folded in half.
An optional sheet of liner for flipping off solid waste for flushing etc

Diva Cup
(bought locally at Sprouts during sale) - but multiple brands available
I prefer silicon, but rubber/latex ones have been available for about 100 years!!!
Why don't we all use these? I can hike, swim, sleep in,... ! ....and no smell.
....what makes more money, something you throw away a few times a day or something you use for years!!???
This is simply poured out, preferably rinsed/washed, such as with that no residue type soap, and replaced.

Photos of Community Emergency Preparedness Fair: Displays - click to enlarge

Cleaning and personal needs
Many contributing authors over the years, This is a picture of the catalog of books. Their magazine subscription is Fantastic.

Urban Farm Planting and Harvest Calendar.
Just two of my seed catalogs with nice low prices on seeds - I look for older varieties to find more genetic diversity...
Fantastic seed and information source local in Az is Tuscon's Native Seed Search!

Nutrition and Gardening, introduction into Electric Universe