Garden and Nutrition Information

Sacred Foods and Language of the Universe ;)

Nourishment Homegrown by Beddoe
A wealth of info introducing to the backyard gardener how to grow REAL nutritious food
- includes Folar feeding Recipes and Brix reading from on a Refractometer

Mineral supplements from Dailymfg based on Reams's RBTI: Lime Water and MinCol (Min66...)

by Callahan - Ancient people's agriculture insights...  summary of his works =  another witness and his records measurable data of the electrical properties and applications with growth from an enty

My Herbal training is coming mostly from Dr Christopher, but herbals, food as medicine, has a long tradition since ancient times as also mentioned in the Bible and BofM.
Examples: Culpeper's is an example of a publication from Europe,
Cayenne (chili pepper)
is an American food that is integrated world wide for good reason :)
Lower Bowel Formula and ImmuCalm are my two
of my top choices.
Green Pasture Skate Liver Oil - Awesome Nutrition from thousands of year traditions among Vikings
- see
and Nourishing Traditions by Fallon (based -before current WAPF culture adjustments- on Dr Weston A Price's Book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration -

ALSO:  (not pictured)
I had mentioned to a few of you the Thunderbolt Project and their Electric Universe Videos
as well as a starting point into how our entire Natural World has the same underlying language ... and TJED's recommended book - A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe,...

Thorvin Kelp for Gardening and Animal Supplementing
(purchased from Azure Standard) -
Dashi Kombu for seaweed in daily eating with out the sea taste ;)

Nutrition and Gardening, introduction into Electric Universe

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