Your regular shopping trip can become part of your storage plan by simply buying a few "extra" items each time. You will be purchasing things you already want and use, and usually at prices you already know to be affordable. When you get home, put it toward the back and pretend it isn't there (so that next time you go shopping, you are increasing and not merely maintaining.)
To the Right (and below)is a price sheet that you can save to your computer (or open with "open office" or Google documents) and alter to work for your family. Items are my attempt for a complete shopping list of (mostly shelf stable foods) typical items good for storage. Prices are just general and far from perfect. Feel free to change them too. Perhaps print one sheet how it is and make notes on it when you shop. Then adjust and reprint it if for yourself to carry in your purse.
As pdf:
as Excel:
As Open Office:
There are three sheets within this file. The first two sheets are identical except that one prints in Landscape (sideways) and the other in Portrait (upright). The third sheet is my "2 cents" on where to buy and how to use/store it.
23 hours ago