I have contemplated posts on these, but haven't had the time to compose the facts. I happened upon a blog today that did this better than I can.
Which gives me time to mention a few other factoids regarding Being smart when spending your money. We want to use our hard earned funds (after saving everything we can) to fill our homes with products that will benefit, not entertain or go out with the trash when it breaks or falls out of favor when the whim is over.
One: WATCH for better than average Prices and spend money! :) The beef at your grocery store might be having some really good prices (or already did) on at least some of the cuts at the time(s) that the markets are flooded with cattle downsizing. (get it?: drought kills grass = less grass on ranches = fewer cows they can feed = they are taken to market = you might be getting a higher percentage of grass fed before the cost of everything else pushes the lesser desirable feed lot cows are sent to market)
So, please keep your pocket book closed when in the superfluous fluff and fashion sections so that you can stock up on extra food when it is there looking at you in the case - flaunting it's ability to feed you and provide benefit when you no long want or can to choose between the two.
Which brings me to the second factoid. Beef and Peanut Butter aren't the only products that have been and will be increasing substantially in price. The price increase across the board has been as much added together as one of these on it's own in my neck of the woods. And that isn't been something that's been picked up by reporters and published with the grocery ads. (Must we always wait for someone else to look for us?)
I'm sure we are all more than aware of the shrinking ice cream (and now "frozen dessert" because it isn't even real food) cartons and ever higher prices. (the same is being done in other areas now that they have proven our ignorance and complacency - 3# bags instead of 5# bags, 10 count instead of 12...)
But there are other methods being used as well. Walmart brand has been adding corn syrup to the canned beans for years now. And you thought they were cheaper!? no, they are just padding it elsewhere and they are just selling you less bean in the same size/weight can.... and the filler isn't even neutral, it's an addictive poison.
This isn't "just business"; In my opinion, this is personal. Instead of honest upfront product sales, ...more than one someone is making immoral choices and deception that public has to wake up from and choose to see. We need to at least read labels before parting with or tossing our money at the products we bring home. We still have that as consumers, even if they don't expect the masses to read, we have the individual choice to break the trend and inform ourselves.
So, Ditch that pretty paper (responsibly - to a good purpose, not the bulk garbage bin) you bought last year and instead stock the shelf with edibles that are as good as gold.
23 hours ago