sigh, my nice long post got lost in deleted computer land -
The short version
search the words "high brix", nutrient dense, acresUSA (their toolkit archives has great articles)
I spray sea90 on my plants (leaves, flowers, fruits,...etc) for an immediate nutrient boost - the 90+ minerals gives nutrient density that the bugs can't stand - They move on to scavenge weak plants elsewhere.
I bought it from Azure Standard along with the fish emulsion, (although I prefer sweetcornorganics', I ration that one in the name of frugality :) - it is 100% cold processed whole fish, not a heated or byproduct or ....etc ) - it works great with the same company's seaweed which I posted about here....
and the Thorvin kelp (which is best just sprinkled around the yard - feeds the micro-life and provides the phytochemicals, hormones, and mineral ratios (iodine,..)) of the kelps available is the one I've used in bulk.
So onto more aspects: Also this year I'm excited to try a blend of microorganisms that I need to inoculate and then spray onto the soil - it even has one that eats chemicals from previous applications/residues...! But micro organisms just doin' their thing is the soil is what gives the plants their nutrients; They 'eat' the nutrients in the soil and create/turn it into a form that the plants can then use! Nitrogen fixation is one of the most commonly heard phrases of that action, but it is by far not the only one .....but since I brought that up:
Nitrogen is one of those nutrients that we just can't seem to get enough of in our gardens - perhaps because we've strayed so far from Nature. WWII stimulated weapons, chemical processes, and technological advances that left us with synthetic nitrogen and fertilizers. I, personally, am trying to grow real plants, not synthetic plants ;), and so am interested in where plants have been getting nitrogen since before half a century ago. Well, that is from a short list :) Lightening, volcanoes, and microorganisms - I looked for a few concise sources for you to read that briefly - so go ahead, I'll continue when you get back from Here and Here .....
It also turns out that by using synthetic nitrogen and fertilizers that we kill the microorganisms in the soil.... and not just the nitrogen creating ones. And it isn't like the microorganisms just walk back in off the next bus. There is a whole world under our feet that we need to be respectful of and aware that (hopefully) they outnumber us and we can't live on planet earth without them so let's feed them and show them a little respect.
(These amendments are a blended source of some great stuff - nutrients and such that can help restore and amend the soil to recoup from previous synthetic damage. see previous post)
So here are my words for motivation: remember that organic begets organic, synthetic begets synthetic.
And since I want to keep my organic self alive without a synthetic organ replacement or supplement I know where I want to start. lol
23 hours ago