What should one do to not eat GMO, Just don't eat soybeans, corn, canola(seed) or cotton(seed)... ? easy... right? well unbeknownst to most corn alone is made into thousands of ingredients and the Soy industry has a serious power of its own. (Why? I asked, over and over, did the canned tuna have to switch to soy broth polluting my "tuna in water.")
Easiest way, hands down, ....with no boxes in hand or a dazed expression in the grocery aisle.... is to not eat boxed/processed goods. estimated 80% or more of it has GMO.
How is that possible?
well even if the main ingredient isn't corn, soy, or the oil isn't canola/cotton seed (which shouldn't even be eaten since even the nonGMO weren't fit as food) - Can any one say 'Breakfast cereal'?! then lesser ingredients are. Well there's barely any, So, does that matter?
How much pesticide would you like to spray on your food right before serving? or sprinkle on right before eating? Studies that haven't been squashed from the light of day by the power from the GMO Companies such as Monsanto have already started to show how the 'pesticide' genetically put into these plants are showing up in our organs as PART of our organs so that we are making our own pesticides (I can't find the study on that, so tuck that away as a maybe, not a fact for now) - (we are what we eat?!) And pesticides don't come with a cellular warning label that tells human cells to not eat or be killed... that translates in my brain processes as any is too much !
What do you think these Rats thought? (rats are used in studies because they are proliferous, a mammal that is very similar to humans, but at 70 (?)%/times as fast so that we can see results in a concentrated time.. (sorry going off really old memory there)... (think this is inhumane? Just think then about what we are feeding our children and revisit the definition of inhumane - And pesticide as a whole - the entire system was flawed as soon as we killed the living microorganisms (took their lives) in the soil with the chemicals/fertilizers AND/OR stopped appreciating what God gave us and could teach us in regard to growing the food in the first place. don't have time today to process blunt thoughts to presentable ...sorry)
which leads us to the original point - how to avoid GMO.
There are great lists popping up all over after the [failed] Prop 37 in Ca.
Here is one source that was pointed out to me.
printable shoppers guide PDF
from site Truefoodnow
article it had referred from
a list of companies etc (blog post I ran across)
One thing rarely mentioned until more recently is the meat. That is one reason I like that PDF above others, it addresses all the categories... even fruit! :) although I did not see potatoes listed - I don't eat Russets.
IF (that's a BIG "if" lol) IF rats were part of our meat source in America - would you eat those rats pictured above? or would you prefer a healthy vibrant rat? If someone else had already killed it (humanely) and butchered it in a super clean facility and carved it up so that it was only a very neat, clean piece of meat in a package,.. Then would it be ok?? of course not.
Cows, pigs (especially), fish and chickens are all fed SOMETHING. If mom/buyer isn't looking, then in our God-less, immoral society, would a less than humane "producer" (I would never use the word rancher or husbandman here!) actually choose a more expensive "feed" over a labor intensive natural food? .... duh, Bring God and moral accountability back in, bring hard work back in, bring awareness from beginning to end of the world of choices we have, and we will have better meat.
Grow your own produce and/or buy lots of vegetables in bright colors (and onion :)) and lots and lots of green. Herbs are indispensable - seaweed is a must. - The plants and their energy are your primary food/energy source!!
Sprout your grains/seeds of whatever type you are choosing - Masa is my choice with corn : "treated with lime" is "sprouted" for a short way of saying it.
eat an increasing percentage of both in it's raw, and/or partially cooked form
Eat fermented veggies/fruits/ etc and/or actively attentively support gut flora (no binging on sugar?)
and when it is your animal products think about where it came from before you bother at all!
buy organic cotton (remember that byproduct of cotton is cottonseed - cotton is a major crop 'issue') and organic food products when price or situation deems possible to make a statement and do your part.
23 hours ago