Help us protect our small farmers and producers! The cloture vote on S.510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, was passed on Wednesday, which means that there may now be a time limit placed on consideration of the bill. So now is the time to contact your elected officials and voice your opinion! S.510 would impose harsh regulations and unnecessary rules upon small farmers and producers, thus making it harder for those producers to afford to stay in business. Please sign the petition to help us keep the right to choose where our food comes from.
1 day ago
1 comment:
As rights as the moderator, I decided to post this comment with slight edits to G-rate this anonymous reader's comment. Thanks for visiting/reading and commenting! :):
Now! We have the "War On Food!" This invasive and out of control government must be stopped dead in its tracks! S 510 will create even larger food monopolies and our food will be even more toxic... I live on a small ranch in New Mexico and our cattle are strictly grass fed and they are never given hormone shots of any kind. It doesn't get any better than that! If S 510 passes I'm going to grow a very large garden and challenge the feds to stop by for an inspection. I've had it with these District of Criminals. US Senators Udall and Bingaman of New Mexico are co-sponsors! These two senators are # communist and if they had their way we would all be rounded up and forced to take the microchip in the forehead. Udall and Bingaman support the full body scanners at the airports, but they fly in a private jets or skirt the scanners. These privileged sob's will have access to "Clean Food" while the rest of us have to eat Monsanto Poison. # It's time for a good old revolt like what's going on in Germany. This rancher ain't playing around and I ain't just passing wind... Good day.
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